When you start up with something on your mind(task),you either achieve it or fail.Failure teaches you to try harder and sucess gives you energy or the confidence to aim for something more difficult or challenging. But what if you come to know that you have achieved what you had aimed for,but that mean nothing now and that too for no fault of yours,the people who had told you to go all out for it( the people you trusted),the people you had counted on, have all moved back and the responsbili...
zoooooooooooop its gone.........its over.......no more there,the one thing you loved the most has just dissapeared.I guess i did not knw how to handle it but knw one thing for sure never wanted to loose it never wanted it to fade away,never thought this could happen to me i always thought that iam never going to do something that is going to take it away from me.To one of my previous article someone had commented that what have i done i should analize that so i took that comment seriously and...
It hurts, it does iam sure so many people must have said this and so many must have felt it.But u have to go through it to understand it.Today i had a small tiff and got to listen to so many things which made me feel like a fool an idiot a person who has no mind of hi own,when people(friends) had told me you taking it too far and it is not worth it i had laughed at them(within me) and had thought to myself they actually dont understand what it is like being there. But today i got to under...
when i got up today morning i thought it would be a new day new life.Little did i know that the villan of my life(gdad) would be wating outside with a cup full of poison which he expects me to drink (give up my life and identity for his happiness) ,and the best part was yet to come the one person i had expected support from was also standing with him and saying the same. You all must be wondring wat the f**k is this guy talking about,but let me assure you all of you must have gone through ...
Hi everyone, am new WEll,was reading a few articles and while everyone is talking about religion and fundamentalism and Bush's policy,I just want to ask why all this pretence? Who the heck really cares People write a lot of wise stuff(at least pretending to sound wise) and actually go through the trouble of drawing out statistics and preach and comment,but at the end of the day,dont we all wrap up our work,head home,try to chill out with friends n alcohol. Is it that by bl...