When you start up with something on your mind(task),you either achieve it or fail.Failure teaches you to try harder and sucess gives you energy or the confidence to aim for something more difficult or challenging.
But what if you come to know that you have achieved what you had aimed for,but that mean nothing now and that too for no fault of yours,the people who had told you to go all out for it( the people you trusted),the people you had counted on, have all moved back and the responsbility of all the damage and the bad name(good is also there) which you had picked up on the way now is on your shoulders.I should clarify it before you guys start thinking something else that it was not a negative propaganda or something which was a damaging,but surely when you set on to achieve your goals it is going to hurt some.The same is the case here.
Today i have all that i had set for but all of it has no meaning as the person who was suppose to be part of the team has moved back and iam all alone.I dont know what to do..................pls help me.I fell like destroying everthing,finishing everything and now i see myself moving towards a level where i would not be able to trust anyone(its killing me......),dont know wat to do.
Idont want to reach a level where i start hating the everyone responsible(people who moved back) as i really care for them,but i cant help this feeling in me i have been trying to suppress it but it comes back to the same place again and again........................pls help me...............tell me where to go................